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HYR Coach Resource Page

(Updated  September 14th, 2024)

Welcome to HYR Fall Soccer.  

For any coaches who hav players who have team shirts that do not fit, please fill out the form below:
HYR Coach - Team Shirt Reorder Form

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:

Team Central Instructions

For somepractice drill, start with the HYR coach manual developed for soccer. 
HYR Soccer Coach Manual

HYR Philosophy:
For new HYR coaches, please be aware of the HYR recreational league philosophy which includes the following highlights: HYR is player centered with a focus on individual improvement for every player and a strong emphasis on sportsmanship.  HYR does not officially keep score (although most kids know the score.)  Our philosophy is for all players to receive equal playing time and play as many positions as possible.  

Coaching philosophy differs from league to league and from person to person.  At HYR, we love the idea of coaching ON the sidelines more than coaching FROM the sidelines.   To clarify that statement, we hope that the players get as much guidance from the coaches at practice and pre-game as they can absorb (in a team dynamic as well as one-on-one.)  When the player steps on the field, they have all they need to play the game, try their hardest, make appropriate strategy choices, make mistakes, have success, and to fail with as little specific vocal  input from coaches and parents as possible.   When the child is on the field in real-time, the conflict between what their instinct tells them and what is being directed at them vocally can be confusing and stressful.  Within reason, we encourage coaches and parents to let the kids make choices on the field, and when they return to the sidelines, give them feedback and guidance on their successes as well as opportunities for better future play in a relaxed and caring manner.  Coach before they step on the pitch, let them play, then when they return to the sidelines, coach again.   They WANT to please you and do well, but they NEED to self-direct, succeed, and fall down to grow.

To keep a common set of expectations between HYR coaches and referees, we will be asking referees to carry rule cards, and the coaches have access to the same card they can either print or have access via their phone. 

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 2
HYR Soccer D2 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 3
HYR Soccer D3 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 4
HYR Soccer D4 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 5
HYR Soccer D5 Rule Card

Here is a video that explains the Offsides rule:
Video Explaining Offsides

HYR Storage Pod at Atherton

Patrick is not at the field on most practice nights, but if you need to retrieve any baseball supplies during the weeks we are at Atherton,
the instructions on how to get into the HYR storage pod are linked below. 
hyr storage container at atherton.pdf

There is a MAJOR construction project at Atherton High School that will disrupt some of our fall operations.   For example, the Valley Field, Field 7, and Field 1D are unavailable due to being in a construction zone.  Some of our HYR field locations of other fields may change as well due to accommodating all of the Atherton sports teams and their first priority on the fields for practice.  We still plan to have games at Atherton on weekends, and we will have some practices at Atherton.  Some practices will be moved off-site to nearby locations.  The construction will continue for 2-3 years and will result in major renovation inside and outside the existing school, a 3-story new school wing, a new courtyard,  a new softball  stadium, new tennis courts, refurbishing the football stadium to be a turf field, and more.   The school athletic director has bent over backwards to continue the partnership with HYR, and we are grateful to continue to work with them.   As guests to the fields, we will be as accommodating and respectful to the ongoing construction.  HYR will publish a new map of Atherton and of other practice locations before the first week of the season so everyone will know where to go. 

Below this line is from previous seasons

Opening day for games will be Saturday, May 18th. The games will be on Saturdays for 7 consecutive weeks with a possible makeup Sunday through June 29th.  Maps of the locations are listed on the HYR Baseball page:

HYR Baseball Page



It is already travel season for a lot of families.  Some of our coaches have an assistant coach, and some do not.  We have created a form where coaches can les us know days they will miss and if they have another coach or parents to cover the game or practice.  With some notification for games and possibly for some practices, HYR staff can help with coverage for that event.     Please check your schedules and let us know when you might be unavailable using this form.    

HYR Baseball Coach Vacation Form

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:

Team Central Instructions

At baseball practices, it is best to have an all-hands-on-deck approach with parent running "stations" for hitting, throwing catching, etc.  

Here is a link to some T-Ball and baseball practice drills


THE RULES:  These rules will be a good place to start, but they are a little outdated in places.  We will update themduring week 2 of the season. 

Division 1 T-Ball (Age 5-6) Rules
D1 Rules

Division 2 Baseball (Age 6-7) Rules
D2 Rules

Division 3 Baseball (Age 8-10) Rules
D3 Rules

Division 4 Baseball (Age 11-14) Rules
D4 Rules

2024 Baseball Team Shirt Theme:  Ancient Civilizations

Click the link below tosee the team shirt pics:

2024 baseball team shirt theme and team shirt pics v1.pdf


Below this page is from previous seasons
Coach Spring Break Form
If you are a coach who is traveling for spring break, please remember that we have a SATURDAY game on March 30th at the beginning of Spring Break, and then we have a SUNDAY game at the end of Spring Break on April 7th.  That will allow some people who are traveling and returning home on Saturday, April 6th to make the Sunday games on April 7th. 

We often have games that are short-handed during that week.  Even if your team has fewer than enough players to field a game, we can often have a game played with one team "loaning" players to the other team for a particular game, and one of the sides will wear pinnies to set them apart. 

If you will miss either of those games or the practice during tha spring break week, please tell us about it on this form linked directly below:

HYR Coach Spring Break Travel Survey

During the soccer season, in division 5, we begin informing on and enforcing the Offsides Rule during week 3.  For anyone who is unfamiliar, Here is a video that explains the Offsides rule:
Video Explaining Offsides

Also, bad throw-ins will be called starting this week in Divisions 4 and 5.  Players must keep their feet on the ground.  My Mnemonic for a correct throw in is to tell the kids "Be like a pro and drag the toe".  

Reorder Forms
For any coach who needs team shirts, we have a form we use to tell us what you need.  Please take a minute to fill out your needs on the google form below, 

Pleasegive us feedback on our Referees:

We will start sending this out on game day, but  please take a minute after your game to give us feedback on our referees so we can help them improve.  The survey just takes a minute. Thanks

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:

Team Central Instructions

HYR Storage Pod at Atherton

Patrick is not at the field on most practice nights, but if you need to retrieve any baseball supplies during the weeks we are at Atherton,
the instructions on how to get into the HYR storage pod are linked below. 
hyr storage container at atherton.pdf

This spring, I will be working with three League Associates: Genevieve Holtsclaw and Nikolas Novak have been with us since the fall, and we will be adding Keller Abood into the mis this spring.  Between the three of us, we will be working on the onboarding of coaches and making sure they get what they need for a successful season.

HYR Philosophy:
For new HYR coaches, please be aware of the HYR recreational league philosophy which includes the following highlights: HYR is player centered with a focus on individual improvement for every player and a strong emphasis on sportsmanship.  HYR does not officially keep score (although most kids know the score.)  Our philosophy is for all players to receive equal playing time and play as many positions as possible.  

Coaching philosophy differs from league to league and from person to person.  At HYR, we love the idea of coaching ON the sidelines more than coaching FROM the sidelines.   To clarify that statement, we hope that the players get as much guidance from the coaches at practice and pre-game as they can absorb (in a team dynamic as well as one-on-one.)  When the player steps on the field, they have all they need to play the game, try their hardest, make appropriate strategy choices, make mistakes, have success, and to fail with as little specific vocal  input from coaches and parents as possible.   When the child is on the field in real-time, the conflict between what their instinct tells them and what is being directed at them vocally can be confusing and stressful.  Within reason, we encourage coaches and parents to let the kids make choices on the field, and when they return to the sidelines, give them feedback and guidance on their successes as well as opportunities for better future play in a relaxed and caring manner.  Coach before they step on the pitch, let them play, then when they return to the sidelines, coach again.   They WANT to please you and do well, but they NEED to self-direct, succeed, and fall down to grow.

To keep a common set of expectations between HYR coaches and referees, we will be asking referees to carry rule cards, and the coaches have access to the same card they can either print or have access via their phone. 

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 2
HYR Soccer D2 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 3
HYR Soccer D3 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 4
HYR Soccer D4 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 5
HYR Soccer D5 Rule Card

Here is a video that explains the Offsides rule:
Video Explaining Offsides



The hierarchy for addressing player behaviors on the field or court is:

  1. The referee uses the whistle to address rule infractions and award the ball to the opposing team during infractions. 

  2. The referee should not touch the players other than to redirect a player toward the game play. 

  3. If the referee cannot control a player’s behavior through the call on the field, the referee can ask the coach to address the player’s behavior. 

  4. The coach should not touch the players other than to redirect a player toward the game play or offer assistance in the case of an injury. 

  5. The coach may decide to have the player sit out of parts of a game if the player’s conduct is considered detrimental to the team, the opposing team, or the sportsmanship of the league. 

  6. If the coach is unable to change the player’s behavior, the coach may ask the parent or guardian to control the behavior of the player.  

The hierarchy for addressing player behaviors on the opposing team:

  1. During a break in the action, the coach addresses the coach of the opposing player to discuss the behavior and what is appropriate fair play.  

  2. Both coaches discuss player conduct with the referees and with the players if necessary. 

  3. Referee addresses the player with appropriate calls on the field

  4. All actions should be with the intent of preventing  inappropriate behavior that could lead to injury of any players or unsportsmanlike behavior

  5. All coach disagreements should be conducted discretely out of public view and handled in conversational tone to best model conflict resolution for the HYR players. 


HYR Coach Clinic Sunday, March 10th from  2 PM - 3:30 PM at Highlands Community Campus - 1228 East Breckinridge Street 

hcc map for hyr.pdf

At the clinic, we will go over rules, maps, procedures, etc, hand  out equipment, and have a hands-on demonstration from a Division 2 coach and a Division 4 coach.  If you have not yet met your co-coach, we will have name tags so coaches can identify each other.   For any team who does not have any coaches attend the training, we will bring the equipment bag to the first practice at Atherton High School .  

Each coach equipment bag contains enough soccer balls, pinnies, and cones to run a practice plus a bag with the team shirts. 

HYR Soccer Practices begin the week of March  11th.  There is one practice per week and one game per week for 7 weeks.  The season will run from Saturday, March  16th through the last weekend in April.  All games are scheduled for Saturdays except one game on Sunday, April  8th.  




To, to see a video describing what each HYR division is like plus what it takes to coach, please click below:
HYR Basketball and Futsal Division Descriptions and Coach Needs


Update for Coaches regarding Team Shirts:

We ordered 13 screen printed team shirts for each team in a variety of sizes with the assumption that that would fit most players.  When we have some players who do not fit the shirt sizes handed out, we ask that the coaches fill out this quick Google form below to tell us what replacement shirts you need.  We will place the order on Tuesdays of each week at Dirty Tease, so please fill out the form by Monday night, and we'll get it to them.  They were closed for a couple weeks, and Tuesday the 16th is their first day back.  We will see if they can accommodate our order by the January 20th games.  

Blackout Dates:  We have 3 weeknights in January where the Highland Middle School Gym is in use for Highland Middle School games, and we will be unable to have practices at Highland Middle.  On those days, we will  reschedule or relocate practices.  Stay tuned for details.  


Highland Middle School
1700 Norris Place - Louisville, KY
At Highland, there is a large gym and a small gym.  We can play 2 simultaneous games in the large gym by playing in the smaller (sideways) dimension.   We brought in rollaway basketball goals for the basketball divisions with players under 10 years old and we will bring in futsal fold-up goals for futsal games.   

Map of Highland Middle School Directly Below

St. Paul United Methodist Church - 2000 Douglass Blvd
Dougass Boulevard Christian Church - 2005 Douglass Blvd


At St. Paul, there is a double gym that can house 4 practices or 2 games.  The basketball goals can raise and lower to accommodate the different heights for different divisions:
At Douglass Blvd Christian Church, there is only 1 gym that can house 2 practices or 1 game at a time.  The basketball goasl are fixed at 10'. 

Here are the latest versions of the Basketball and Futsal Rules


The Referees will be carrying a rule card with the following rules:

hyr basketball rules for web 2024-january.pdf


The Referees will be carrying a rule card with the following rules:

hyr futsal rules for web 2024-january.pdf

For video instructions on how to set up and take down the Bownet futsal goals, watch this video. 
Futsal Goal Setup Video

For some basketball practice drills, please click below.  Coach Carter Wright found these and recommended them. 
Basketball Drills

For some futsal drills, start with the HYR coach manual developed for soccer, and I will see if I can find one specific for futsal soon:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual

Please Help us with Feedback on our Referees

We have been stressing the important parts of the game to our referees, but we would like feedback on how they are doing.  Please take 2 minutes and give us feedback on if their calls are clear, if the whistles are loud enough, etc.  We will synthesize the data and relay the positive  feedback to them and make constructive criticisms to help improve them for future games.  They will not read what you write directly, so please be frank.  The form is below:
HYR Referee Survey

Team Shirt Reorders
If you have players who did not receive a team shirt that fit them, please fill out the form below, and we will reorder shirts.  The original shirts are screen printed on athletic wicking fabric.  Because of the smaller number of reorders, we  have them made by Dirty Tease.  The shirts are typically cotton, and since they use a different brand, the color on the reorders is close to the team color, but not always exact.  The sooner we get the form filled out by coaches, the sooner the orders come back.  
HYR Team Shirt Reorder Form for Coaches

The JCPS Fall Break that goes from October 2nd through October 6th, and some players and coaches will travel during that period.  HYR has scheduled games for Saturday, September 30th, and the following weekend, games are on Sunday, October 8th.  If you will be unavailable to coach on one of those games or the practice during the week that week, please communicate with assistant coaches and parents to see who could cover those events.  Thanks!
HYR Coach Fall Break Travel Survey

HYR Staff

HYR has a League Director and two college student league associates for the Fall of 2023: Genevieve Holtsclaw and Nikolas Novak.    We will be available to help locate equipment, help players find their game times and coaches, and assist with unusual league situations.  To see our staff, click below:

hyr league associates fall 2023.pdf

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:

Team Central Instructions


See the New HYR Coach Hats!
Click below for a look at the hats:
hyr coach hats.pdf

If we get practices rained out, we have some availability to reschedule.  In general, Mondays are light, and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights are slammed.    There is only one practice scheduled on Fridays, so that is always an option.  Check details with me if you want a reschedule so I can minimize conflicts.  

For practices and drills, the previous directors developed the HYR coach manual developed for soccer.  We have printed copies we can hand out at the coach clinic, but you can also find it online here from your phone at any time:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual


Below this line is from former seasons
The HYR Fall Coach Clinic will be at HCM on Saturday, September 9th from 9 AM - 10:30 AM at the Highlands Community Campus at the corner of Breckinridge and Barrett.  We will provide a breakfast and coffee and go over coaching strategies and league expectations. 

hcc map for hyr.pdf

Below this line is from Baseball Season

Practices this week will be at Highland Middle School. 

Beginning Saturday, June 3rd, we will have games at George Rogers Clark Park.  Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday Practices will also be at George Rogers Clark Park.  Tuesday Practices will be at Joe Creason Park.  I will post the new maps on the web site on Thursday night, but I don't want to post them prematurely and have people go to the wrong location.  Please communicate clearly with your team that PRACTICES ARE AT  HIGHLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL THIS WEEK. 

June is travel season.  HYR Baseball experiences attendance dips in June based on many players traveling and also coaches ttraveling.  We have linked a survey below for coaches to indicate if they will be missing any games or practices in June and if they have other coaches or parents covering for them.  Please check you calendar, then take a couple minutes to fill out the survey.   Thanks. 

Baseball Coach Missing Practice or Game Survey

Coach Hats on Order 
HYR Coach hats should be arriving this week.  If you are a coach wearing one of the hats delivered week two, when the coach hats arrive, please give your current HYR hat to a player and try one of the new HYR Coach Hats,  Click below for a look at the hats:
hyr coach hats.pdf

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:
Team Central Instructions

HYR Storage Pod at Atherton

Patrick is not at the field on most practice nights, but if you need to retrieve any baseball supplies during the weeks we are at Atherton,
the instructions on how to get into the HYR storage pod are linked below. 
hyr storage container at atherton.pdf

At baseball practices, it is best to have an all-hands-on-deck approach with parent running "stations" for hitting, throwing catching, etc.  

Here is a link to some T-Ball and baseball practice drills


THE RULES:  These rules will be a good place to start, but they are a little outdated in places.  We will update them as the season progresses. 

Division 1 T-Ball (Age 5-6) Rules
D1 Rules

Division 2 Baseball (Age 6-7) Rules
D2 Rules

Division 3 Baseball (Age 8-10) Rules
D3 Rules

Division 4 Baseball (Age 11-14) Rules
D4 Rules

Below this line is from Soccer Season

Rescheduled games for April 23rd:   When we had the day canceled due to field conditions on March 25th, the games were rescheduled for April 23rd.  Here is the schedule for the remainder of the season:
2023 spring soccer schedule - final 2 weeks.pdf

We have created a Google Form for coaches to let us know if they will be available for the April 23rd rescheduled games.  If you are unavailable at the rescheduled time, please poll your associated assistant coaches/consistent parents to see if they are available to fill in.  Please report back your status to us on the form linked below.  Thanks so much:
Coach April 23 2023 Availability

HYR Storage Pod at Atherton

Patrick is not at the field on most practice nights, but if you need to retrieve any goals, first aid kits or other supplies, the instructions on how to get into the HYR storage pod are linked below. 
hyr storage container at atherton.pdf

Here is a video that explains the Offsides rule:
Video Explaining Offsides

Team Shirt Reorder Form
s are handed out at the first practice.  If you have any players who require a different size than was provided in teh bag, please enter that information on the form below.  Thanks

HYR Team Shirt Reorder Form for Coaches


If we get practices rained out, we have some availability to reschedule.  In general, Mondays are light, and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights are slammed.    There is only one practice scheduled on Fridays, so that is always an option.  Check details with me if you want a reschedule so I can minimize conflicts.  

For practices and drills, the previous directors developed the HYR coach manual developed for soccer.  We have printed copies we can hand out at the coach clinic, but you can also find it online here from your phone at any time:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual

Coaching philosophy differs from league to league and from person to person.  At HYR, we love the idea of coaching ON the sidelines more than coaching FROM the sidelines.   To clarify that statement, we hope that the players get as much guidance from the coaches at practice and pre-game as they can absorb (in a team dynamic as well as one-on-one.)  When the player steps on the field, they have all they need to play the game, try their hardest, make appropriate strategy choices, make mistakes, have success, and to fail with as little specific vocal  input from coaches and parents as possible.   When the child is on the field in real-time, the conflict between what their instinct tells them and what is being directed at them vocally can be confusing and stressful.  Within reason, we encourage coaches and parents to let the kids make choices on the field, and when they return to the sidelines, give them feedback and guidance on their successes as well as opportunities for better future play in a relaxed and caring manner.  Coach before they step on the pitch, let them play, then when they return to the sidelines, coach again.   They WANT to please you and do well, but they NEED to self-direct, succeed, and fall down to grow.

To keep a common set of expectations between HYR coaches and referees, we will be asking referees to carry rule cards, and the coaches have access to the same card they can either print or have access via their phone. 

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 2
HYR Soccer D2 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 3
HYR Soccer D3 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 4
HYR Soccer D4 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 5
HYR Soccer D5 Rule Card

Here is a video that explains the Offsides rule:
Video Explaining Offsides



The hierarchy for addressing player behaviors on the field or court is:

  1. The referee uses the whistle to address rule infractions and award the ball to the opposing team during infractions. 

  2. The referee should not touch the players other than to redirect a player toward the game play. 

  3. If the referee cannot control a player’s behavior through the call on the field, the referee can ask the coach to address the player’s behavior. 

  4. The coach should not touch the players other than to redirect a player toward the game play or offer assistance in the case of an injury. 

  5. The coach may decide to have the player sit out of parts of a game if the player’s conduct is considered detrimental to the team, the opposing team, or the sportsmanship of the league. 

  6. If the coach is unable to change the player’s behavior, the coach may ask the parent or guardian to control the behavior of the player.  

The hierarchy for addressing player behaviors on the opposing team:

  1. During a break in the action, the coach addresses the coach of the opposing player to discuss the behavior and what is appropriate fair play.  

  2. Both coaches discuss player conduct with the referees and with the players if necessary. 

  3. Referee addresses the player with appropriate calls on the field

  4. All actions should be with the intent of preventing  inappropriate behavior that could lead to injury of any players or unsportsmanlike behavior

Below this line is from previous Seasons

HYR Team shirts are in the coach bags that were handed out at the coach clinic.  For any team who did not have a coach at the coach clinic, we have brought the bags to the field.  Those coach bags will be at a coach table up front as you enter HYR.  There will be a table with coach hats and coach shirts that you can pick up as well. 

When you hand out the team shirts, please note that there are different sizes in the bag.  Please have a parent sort the shirts and count how many of each size are present.  Then line up the players from smallest to largest and hand out the shirts.  Please use the form below to report if there are kids who do not fit one of the shirts provided. 

Here is the form for coaches to reorder team shirts
Shirt Reorder Form

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:
Team Central Instructions

Blackout Dates:  We have 5 weeknights in January where the Highland Middle School Gym is in use for Highland Middle School games, and we will be unable to have practices at Highland Middle.  On those days, we will do our best to reschedule or relocate practices, but gym space is very hard to come by.  Stay tuned for details.  

At Highland Middle School, there is a large gym and a small gym.  We can play 2 simultaneous games in the large gym by playing in the smaller (sideways) dimension.   At Highland Middle School, we will have the extra challenge that the gym is connected to the school, and bathrooms are in the school hallways.  We will need to establish volunteers to make sure kids do not go past the areas we are allowed to be in.  More on this as it develops. 
Map of Highland Middle School Directly Below

At Douglass Boulevard Christian Church, there is only 1 gym. 
Map of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church Directly Below:

All the basketball goals at both facilities are fixed at 10'.  We brought in rollaway basketball goals for the basketball divisions with players under 10 years old and we will bring in futsal fold-up goals for futsal games.   

Here are the latest versions of the Futsal and Basketball Rules



For video instructions on how to set up and take down the Bownet futsal goals, watch this video. 
Futsal Goal Setup Video

For some basketball practice drills, please click below.  Coach Carter Wright found these and recommended them. 
Basketball Drills

For some futsal drills, start with the HYR coach manual developed for soccer, and I will see if I can find one specific for futsal soon:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual


To, to see a video describing what each HYR division is like plus what it takes to coach, please click below:
HYR Basketball and Futsal Division Descriptions and Coach Needs

Team Shirt Themes

The theme for the team names and shirts this season will be Kentucky Critters.  All of the team names will be named after fish, reptiles, amphibians, and freshwater mussels found in Kentucly Streams and the birds that eat them (waterfowl and raptors).  Whether your player is a Copperhead, a Paddlefish, a Kestral, or a Hellbender, rest assured that they will be representing the wild diversity of Kentucky Critters in and around the water.  Check out the designs below, and if you want to claim one of the names, fill out the 1 minute survey below that. 

2023 hyr basketball t-shirt designs and colors.pdf

2023 hyr futsal t-shirt designs and colors.pdf

2023 hyr winter coach and referee t-shirt designs and colors.pdf

Below this line is from fall soccer


Coach Shirts

We have a new design for a coach shirt for the fall of 2022 that is tied to the "Arsty" theme, but  if you have an old coach shirt you like, you can wear that.  If you dig the new design, please pick one up at the field. 


There will be a coach clinic on Saturday, September 10th from 9 AM - 10:30 AM  at the Highlands Community Ministries Headquarters.  The address is 1228 East Breckinridge Street, but please see the attached map for where to park, which is south of the building off Barrett Avenue. 

hcc map for hyr.pdf

The coach clinic will feature a light breakfast, instructions for new coaches, and the latest updates re: rules, etc.   Coaches also pick up their team shirts and bag of equipment at the clinic.  The bag of equipment contains a number of soccer balls, cones, and pinnies.  For head coaches and assistant coaches who have not yet met, then this is an opportunity to meet before the first practice.   For anyone who can not attend, we will have your equipment taken to Atherton for the first practice. 

If the weather forecast appears favorable for meeting outside, we may do part of the clinic outside, but we have the option of the big inside gym meeting space.  Breakfast will be coffee, tea, and some individually wrapped pastries and breakfast items.   I have pre-paid for the big coffee container to be picked up between 8:30 and 9:00 AM Saturday, and I would like someone to contact me about picking it up from the Heine Brothers at Longest Avenue.  I will be at HCM setting up for the event, so I will need someone to bring the bubbling crude.  (Contact Patrick at: [email protected])

Schedule for HYR Coach Clinic 9/10/2021
8:00 Referees Set up for Coach Clinic and go over rules
9:00 Coaches arrive, meet and greet, etc. 
9:15 Patrick covers coaching instructions and policies, etc.
10:15 Coaches pick up equipment, coach shirts, etc. 
10:30 Coaches Depart
10:45 Referees clean up and prep for Referee Training
11:00 Referee Training and Parent Player Academy First Meeting
11:45 Clean Up
12:00 All Depart

Related to a discussion of realigning older HYR Divisions to have narrower age ranges, :
In the spring of 2022, HYR is considering having: Division 5 (age 10-11), Division 6 (age 12-13), and Division 7 (age 14-16).     
The system for many years has been Division 5 (age 10-12), Division 6 (age 13-16).                                                                                                           
We have a 2-question survey directly below to get peoples' opinion on this issue.  Please let us know your thoughts.  

Spring 2022 HYR Division Breakdown Survey

Map of Highland Middle School Directly Below

At Douglass Boulevard Christian Church, there is only 1 gym. 
Map of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church Directly Below:

There are 3 more Highland Middle School basketball games on the schedule that will prevent us from practicing at Highland Middle School on three dates: Tuesday January 18th, Wednesday, January 19th, and Monday January 24th.  We will make arrangements for coaches of teams practicing on those nights to reschedule at a different time of the week, perhaps combining a practice with another team.

I will make contact with the coaches on Sunday the 16th to set up the resceduling  options. 

We have 48 teams to be exact, and we have over 80 coaches.   

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site:
Team Central Instructions

At Highland Middle School, there is a large gym and a small gym.  We can play 2 simultaneous games in the large gym by playing in the smaller (sideways) dimension.   At Highland Middle School, we will have the extra challenge that the gym is connected to the school, and bathrooms are in the school hallways.  We will need to establish volunteers to make sure kids do not go past the areas we are allowed to be in.  More on this as it develops. 

All the basketball goals at both facilities are fixed at 10'.  We  brought in rollaway basketball goals for the basketball divisions with players under 10 years old and we will bring in futsal fold-up goals for futsal games.   After each practice night and each game day, we will lock the goals in the corner.  (This gyms are  used for a variety of middle school PE classes, athletic competitions, contra dancing, etc. and we need to leave each facility it as we found it each time.)

Map of Highland Middle School Directly Below

At Douglass Boulevard Christian Church, there is only 1 gym. 
Map of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church Directly Below:

  • Each team will have 1 practice and 1 game per week for 7 weeks
  • Practices will either be at 5:30 PM or 6:30 PM on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday
  • Practices start the week of January 10th
  • Opening Day is January 15th
  • Practices and games will be at Highland Middle School or Douglass Boulevard Christian Church
  • Games will be Saturdays between 9 AM and 3 PM
  • There will be a gym day on Saturday, December 18th from 9 AM - Noon

Basketball:  The team names this year will be Sandwiches.  (You know, BLT, French Dip, Mufuletta, etc.)
 To see the shirt designs, click the link below:
2022 hyr basketball t-shirt designs and shirt colors.pdf

Futsall:  The team names this year will be Objects of indeterminate function.  (You know,Widgets, Gizmos, Doohickeys, etc.) 
To see the shirt designs, click the link below:
2022 hyr futsal t-shirt designs and shirt colors.pdf

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site:
Team Central Instructions

Here are the latest versions of the Futsal and Basketball Rules



Updated 9/17/2021
Welcome to opening day for the fall 2021 season!  I will be at the field all day, and am happy to resolve any problems that arise.  Please save my number in your phone.  I don't always hear it on game days, but I'll be the guy walking around looking like me. 

Some of the teams do not have enough shirts.  It is a bigger problem in some divisions than others due to a lot of late additions to the league.    To make sure we just place one large re-order, I have created a quick form for you to enter the right info for your team on what they need. 
I will be asking the parents who were shorted a shirt to have their player wear a shirt of their own as close to the team colors as possible. The team colors can be seen below:
2021 fall hyr team shirt pics v2.pdf

The form for you the coach to fill out AFTER Saturday's game is below. 
2021 Team Shirt Reorder Form

For practices and drills, the previous directors developed the HYR coach manual developed for soccer:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual

To keep a common set of expectations between HYR coaches and referees, we will be asking referees to carrd rule cards, and the coaches have access to the same card they can either print or have access via their phone. 

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 2
HYR Soccer D2 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 3
HYR Soccer D3 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 4
HYR Soccer D4 Rule Card

Here is the HYR Rule Card for Soccer Division 5
HYR Soccer D5 Rule Card

Hello and welcome HYR coaches.  This page should serve as a resource to the tools you can use for a successful season. 

There will be a coach clinic on Saturday, September 11th from 9 AM - 10:30 AM  at Highlands Community Ministries.  The address is 1228 East Breckinridge Street, but please see the attached map for where to park, which is south of the building off Barrett Avenue. 
hcc map for hyr coach clinic.pdf

The coach clinic will feature a light breakfast, instructions for new coaches, and the latest updates re: rules, etc.   Coaches also pick up their team shirts and bag of equipment at the clinic.  The bag of equipment contains a number of soccer balls, cones, and pinnies.  For head coaches and assistant coaches who have not yet met, then this is an opportunity to meet before the first practice.   For anyone who can not attend, we will have your equipment taken to Atherton for the first practice. 

The long-range weather forecast appears very favorable for meeting outside, so let's hope that continues.  Breakfast will be coffee, tea, and some individually wrapped pastries and breakfast items to avoid serving large trays of food during the pandemic.  I have pre-paid for the big coffee container to be picked up between 8:30 and 9:00 AM Saturday, and I would like someone to contact me about picking it up from the Heine Brothers Douglass Loop.  I will be at HCM setting up for the event, so I will need someone to bring the bubbling crude.  (Contact Patrick at: [email protected])

Schedule for HYR Coach Clinic 9/11/2021
8:00 Referees Set up for Coach Clinic and go over rules
9:00 Coaches arrive, meet and greet, etc. 
9:15 Patrick covers coaching instructions and policies, etc.
10:15 Coaches pick up equipment, coach shirts, etc. 
10:30 Coaches Depart
10:45 Referees clean up and prep for Parent Player Orientation and Referee Training
11:00 Parent Player Orientation
11:00 Referee Training
11:45 Clean Up
12:00 All Depart


HYR relies on volunteer coaches to run practices and  manage games during the season.  The overwhelming majority of HYR coaches are parents of players on the team.  

A head coach manages the practices and has a game plan for what drill to be run at the practice.   A head coach manages the games by having a plan for assigning players to positions and managing substitutions so that each player plays roughly an equal amount of time.  If a head coach is unavailable for a practice or game, the coach will make sure to have someone on the team to pass the equipment to who will assume the responsibility for the practice or game.  Ideally, a head coach will not miss more than 2 games per season. 

An assistant coach supports the head coach with running practices and managing games.  When the head coach is unavailable, the assistant coach will assume the responsibility for the practices and games.  If neither the head coach nor the assistant coach is available, the  remaining parents on the team manage the practices and games.    Ideally, an assistant coach will not miss more than 2 games per season. 


This Page give some coach resources for the 2020 Futsal/Basketball Season. 
First, at St. Paul, there is a closet with all of the equipment in it.  This guide will let coaches know what goes where.  All of the combination locks in the equipment closet are set to "PLAY".  


For video instructions on how to set up and take down the Bownet futsal goals, watch this video. 
Futsal Goal Setup Video

For some basketball practice drills, please click below.  Coach Carter Wright found these and recommended them. 
Basketball Drills

For some futsal drills, start with the HYR coach manual developed for soccer, and I will see if I can find one specific for futsal soon:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual



This Page give some coach resources for the 2019 Futsal/Basketball Season. 
First, at St. Paul, there is a closet with all of the equipment in it.  This guide will let coaches know what goes where.  All of the combination locks in the equipment closet are set to "HYR01".  


For video instructions on how to set up and take down the Bownet futsal goals, watch this video. 
Futsal Goal Setup Video

For some basketball practice drills, please click below.  Coach Carter Wright found these and recommended them. 
Basketball Drills

For some futsal drills, start with the HYR coach manual developed for soccer, and I will see if I can find one specific for futsal soon:
HYR Soccer Coach Manual

Highlands Community Ministries

1228 East Breckinridge Street 
Louisville, Kentucky 40204
Phone : 502-671-9701
Email : [email protected]
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