Each season, HYR solicits sponsors for the back of the sports T-shirts. The logos end up being featured on hundreds of shirts every season.
A $250 sponsorship gets you a 2” logo on the back of the shirts, or a $500 sponsorship gets you a 4” logo on the back of the shirts. The logos also appear in on-field or on-court sandwich boards in centralized locations and will be featured in HYR emails.
Because of our T-shirt printing date, we will need to know by February 20th for Spring Soccer, April 20th for Baseball, August 25th for Fall Soccer, and December 18 h for Winter Basketball andFutsal.
To be a sponsor, HYR will need your highest resolution artwork (preferably in pdf format) in full color for the web site and in single color for the T-shirts. (If you have sponsored before, HYR may already have your artwork on file). HYR will send an invoice for payment after the shirts are printed.
To be a sponsor, please contact HYR by sending an email to: [email protected].
Patrick Fitzgerald
HYR Director
Highlands Youth Recreation
HYR is a program of Highlands Community Ministries