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HYR Baseball Page:  Updated July 16, 2024:

We wrapped up the 2024 HYR Baseball Season on June 29, 2024.  HYR will have fall soccer in September and October, 2024, then winter basketball , spring soccer, and then Baseball again in May and June, 2025. 

Below this line is from previous seasons. 

The 2024 HYR Baseball Game Schedule is linked below:

2024 hyr baseball game schedule.pdf

Practices began the week of May 13th.  For practices on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, the practices are at George Rogers Clark Park.   For Tuesday practices, the practices are at Joe Creason Park. All games are at George Rogers Clark Park. 

Maps of both facilities are linked directly below:

hyr george rogers clark park baseball map 2024.pdf

hyr joe creason baseball map 2024.pdf

The list of which practices are scheduled on each night is listed below:

2024 baseball practice matrix.pdf

To look up your coach's contact info, please see below:

hyr 2024 baseball coach list by division v2.pdf

hyr 2024 baseball coach list by practice night v2.pdf


Opening day for games will be Saturday, May 18th. The games will be on Saturdays for 7 consecutive weeks with a possible makeup Sunday through June 29th.


2024 Baseball Team Shirt Theme:  Ancient Civilizations

Click the link below tosee the team shirt pics:

2024 baseball team shirt theme and team shirt pics v1.pdf

HYR 2023 Baseball/T-Ball offers divisions for youth ages 5 through 12.

Division 1: 5 or 6 year-old T-Ball

Division 2: 6 - 7 year-old coach pitch baseball.

Division 3: 8 - 9 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

Division 4: 10-12 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

All divisions meet for one 1-hour practice on a weeknight at either 6 PM or 7 PM.

All games will be between 9 AM and 2 PM on Saturdays.

Practices and games will be at one of 2 locations:

George Rogers Clark Park - 1024 Thruston Avenue, 40217 or

Joe Creason Park - 1297 Trevillian Way, 40213. 

Below this line is from previous seasons

On-time registration continues through May 5, 2024  at

Beginning May 6th, a $10 late fee for the season will be added, and placement is not guaranteed.

 The cost is $97 for the season. 


(If you have never registered with HYR Before, please check out our registration instructions linked directly below:)

hyr registration instructions.pdf

For parents who volunteer to be a Head Coach, there is a $45 discount, and for Assistant Coach, there is a $30 discount on the player registration. (Email [email protected] for a coupon code before making your payment, or email after registering, and we will apply a refund of that amount.)

(During registration, players will be given the oportunity to select practice nights they are able to attend. These and other special requests will be honored when possible. If you request to play with another player on the same team please check with that family before putting the request on your registration. Be advised that HYR will also attempt to balance teams on skill level when possible, especially in the older divisions.  Team balance may trump player friend requests in some situations.) 

Players will be notified of their teams on or before May 9th. 

HYR Baseball wrapped up on Saturday, June 24th.  We had a great time with the kids this season and hope to see many of you in future seasons. 

The next HYR season will be fall soccer.  Signup will begin August 1st, and the season will run from September 11th through October 28th.  

Pictures and medals were handed out at the games by coaches.  Four teams turned the leftover pictures and awards over to HYR (Division 1 Hopscotch, Division  Rock Climbers, Division 4 Kayakers, and Division 4 Ultimates).  If you missed closing day and want to make arrangements to pick up the pictures and awards, please contact HYR at [email protected] if you are on one of those teams.  For the other teams, please contact your coach.  

A  Coach List is linked below:

hyr 2023 baseball coach details 2023-05-13.pdf

To get an electronic  copy of your team picture, please click the link below and look by season and team:
HYR Team Picture Page

Summer Video Camp:  For anyone who is still piecing summer camps together for their kids, please know that we have a summer video camp available:   July 10-14 from 9 AM - 4 PM and the kids will get a ton of hands-on experience making videos.  Full details can be found at:


HYR Practices and Games at New Locations Effective Immediately!

As previously mentioned, games and practices  for the rest of the season  are at the following locations.    Saturday Games and Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday practices will be at George Rogers Clark Park (1024 Thruston Avenue) , and Tuesday practices will move to Joe Creason Park (1297 Trevilian Way). 

Here is the link to the map for George Rogers Clark Park:
hyr george rogers clark park baseball map.pdf

Here is the map for Joe Creason Park:
hyr joe creason baseball map.pdf

Summer Video Camps:  For anyone who is still piecing summer camps together for their kids, please know that we have 2 summer video camps available:  June 12-16 and July 10-14.  Each one will be 9 AM - 4 PM and the kids will get a ton of hands-on experience making videos.  Full details can be found at:


Saturday, May 20th was Picture Day!  We took team pictures of all 16 teams.  We had about 90% of the kids there.  On Saturday, May 27th, we took a bunch of individual retakes, and we only have a few left.  If your player has been absent the last 2 Saturdays, we'll look for them this weekend and over the next couple weeks.  We will take individual pictures of kids who were not in the original team photos and dub them into the official team pictures.  To see the process, click the link below. 

The theme for this year's team names is "Outdoor activities" including team names like Campers, Kayakers, Wind Surfers, etc.   For a look at the shirt designs and team colors, click the link below:
hyr 2023 baseball t-shirt theme and pictures.pdf

The specific game schedule is available on the Team Central Part of HYR's Web site, but it is also linked as a pdf directly below:

2023 hyr baseball master schedule.pdf

The games will be on Saturdays for 7 consecutive weeks with a possible Sunday make up game through June 24th.

All divisions meet for one 1-hour practice on a weeknight at either 6 PM or 7 PM.

All games will be at Highland Middle School: 1700 Norris Place, Louisville KY 40205.

The specific game schedule is available on the Team Central Part of HYR's Web site, but it is also linked as a pdf directly below:

2023 hyr baseball master schedule.pdf

All Division 1 games will be at either 9 AM or 10:30 AM on Field 1
All Division 2 games will be at either 9 AM or 10:30 AM on Field 2
All Division 3 games will be at noon on either on Field 1 or Field 3
All Division 4 games will be at either 9 AM or 10:30 AM on Field 3

The Divisions for HYR 2023 Baseball/T-Ball are:

Division 1: 5 or 6 year-old T-Ball
Division 2: 6 - 7 year-old coach pitch baseball.
Division 3: 8 - 9 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.
Division 4: 10-12 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

Although this is true of all HYR sports, parent involvement in practice is MOST critical with baseball.  The three main skills of throwing, catching with a mitt, and hitting with a bat require breaking practices into sub-stations with adults at each station facilitating the repetition it takes to improve at the game.  

HYR Provides a team shirt and an HYR baseball cap.  We do not require baseball pants or any matching colors.  Many players play in shorts and do not plan to slide.  Cleats are optional, but they do enhance performance  as kids get older and faster.  HYR has a large bin or recycled cleats that it will bring to the first practices if anyone wants to find a used pair.  
Each player is responsible for providing their own baseball glove .  HYR Provides each team with a tee, bats, balls, batting helmets, hitting stick, and catcher's gear as appropriate.  Some players do have their own special bat they prefer.  Some players bring their own batting helmets as well, but it is optional. 

HYR will set up a hitting screen and a batting cage on each game day. 

Here is a link to some T-Ball and baseball practice drills


THE RULES:  These rules will be a good place to start, but they are a little outdated in places.  We will update them as the season progresses. 

Division 1 T-Ball (Age 5-6) Rules
D1 Rules

Division 2 Baseball (Age 6-7) Rules
D2 Rules

Division 3 Baseball (Age 8-10) Rules
D3 Rules

Division 4 Baseball (Age 11-14) Rules
D4 Rules



If you are trying to register and do not see programs available, please log in first.  If you are new to HYR, you will need to create a login.  Complete Registration instructions can be found below
hyr registration instructions.pdf

For parents who volunteer to be a Head Coach, there is a $45 discount, and for Assistant Coach, there is a $30 discount on the player registration. (Email [email protected] for a coupon code before making your payment, or email after registering, and we will apply a refund of that amount.)

(During registration, players will be given the oportunity to select practice nights they are able to attend. These and other special requests will be honored when possible. If you request to play with another player on the same team please check with that family before putting the request on your registration. Be advised that HYR will also attempt to balance teams on skill level when possible, especially in the older divisions.  Team balance may trump player friend requests in some situations.) 

Below this line is from the 2022 season

All of the practices and games are scheduled for Highland Middle School for the rest of the school year. 

Coaches:  If you have extra hats and shirts, please leave them on the table next to the batting cage in the bin I have provided. 

HYR Picture Day was Saturday, May 28th.  We took team pictures on May 28th, and we caught some individual retakes of players and coaches who missed picture day on June 4th.  We will digitally clip them out  and dub them into the team picture.   I will continue to get individual retakes on June 11th.   Anyone I am still missing after June 11th will need to make special arrangements, because I need to have all of the photos printed by Friday, June 17th.  For a look at the process, please take a look at the picture guide immediately below.  


Here is how the division of teams worked out.:
Division 1 - NO CHANGE.
Division 2 Strudel is now 2 teams: Strudel and Shrimp and Grits (Dominoes).  Still practicing Tuesdays at 5:45. 
DIiision 2 Hash Browns is now 2 teams: Hash Browns and Granola Bars(Wagons).  Still practicing Wednesdays at 5:45. 
Division 3 Scramblers  is now 2 teams: Scramblers and Belgian Waffles.  Still practicing Wednesdays at 5:45. 
Division 3 Bacon Strips  is now 2 teams: Bacon Strips and Breakfast Burritos.  Still practicing  Tuesdays at 5:45. 
Division 4 Pop Tarts  is now 2 teams: Pop Tarts and Cheesy Biscuits.  Still practicing Wednesdays at 5:45. 
Division 4 Scotch Eggs  is now 2 teams: Scotch Eggs and Huevos Rancheros.  Still practicing Thursdays at 5:45. 

If you want to look up your player alphabetically to see what team they are assigned to, the list is directly below.
hyr 2022 baseball alphabetical player list may 18 2022.pdf

Baseball Coach List and Practice Night Schedule.  All practices are at 5:45 PM unless otherwise stated by the coach.
2022 hyr baseball coach details v2.pdf

Although you can get it from the Team Central Part of the web site, here is an exported version of the game schedule. 
hyr 2022 baseball master schedule.pdf

 (We own two pitching machines available for divisions 3 and 4. 

Although this is true of all HYR sports, parent involvement in practice is MOST critical with baseball.  The three main skills of throwing, catching with a mitt, and hitting with a bat require breaking practices into sub-stations with adults at each station facilitating the repetition it takes to improve at the game.  We are allowing 90 minutes for all practices and all games. It will be up to the coaches to determine how long they run a practice.  All practices are listed as 5:45 in the official schedule, but I leave the specifics of practice time to the coaches. The field can accommodate 4 simultaneous practices. 

Here is the set of instructions for how to use the Team Central Part of the Web site for contacting your teams:
Team Central Instructions

Below this line relates to the SIgnup Period

HYR 2022 Baseball/T-Ball offers divisions for youth ages 5 through 12.

Division 1: 5 or 6 year-old T-Ball

Division 2: 6 - 7 year-old coach pitch baseball.

Division 3: 8 - 9 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

Division 4: 10-12 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

Sign up for HYR 2022 Baseball is active now at  The cost is $80 for the season. On-time registration continues through May 4, 2022. Beginning May 5, a $10 late fee for the Spring season will be added, and placement is not guaranteed.

Practices begin the week of May 9th. Opening day for games will be Saturday, May 14th. The games will be on Saturdays for 7 consecutive weeks with a possible Sunday through June 25th.

If you are trying to register and do not see programs available, please log in first.  Complete Registration instructions can be found below

2 minute video featuring highlights of HYR Baseball at Highland Middle.

For parents who volunteer to be a Head Coach, there is a $35 discount, and for Assistant Coach, there is a $20 discount on the player registration. (Email [email protected] for a coupon code before making your payment, or email after registering, and we will apply a refund of that amount.)

(During registration, players will be given the oportunity to select practice nights they are able to attend. These and other special requests will be honored when possible. If you request to play with another player on the same team please check with that family before putting the request on your registration. Be advised that HYR will also attempt to balance teams on skill level when possible, especially in the older divisions.  Team balance may trump player friend requests in some situations.) 

Players will be notified of their teams on or before May 7th.  Practices begin the week of May 9th. Opening day for games will be Saturday, May 14th. The games will be on Saturdays for 7 consecutive weeks with a possible Sunday through June 25th.

HYR 2022 Baseball/T-Ball offers divisions for youth ages 5 through 12.

Division 1: 5 or 6 year-old T-Ball

Division 2: 6 - 7 year-old coach pitch baseball.

Division 3: 8 - 9 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

Division 4: 10-12 year-old coach or machine pitch baseball.

Practices will either be at Highland Middle School or other locations during the first 3 weeks.

All games will be at Highland Middle School: 1700 Norris Place, Louisville KY 40205. 

Patrick Fitzgerald

HYR Director

[email protected]




All the player needs to provide is a baseball glove that fits them.  HYR provides a shirt and a baseball cap that players receive on opening day.  Players can wear tennis shoes or cleats.  The older they get, cleats become a performance enhancement.  Soccer cleats are fine.  HYR has a bin with recycled cleats we will bring to the field on game days in case you want to check for a pair that fits your player.  Most kids wear shorts, and there tends not to be a ton of sliding into bases.  It is cool when kids bring their own baseball pants, but they are the exception, not the rule. 

All HYR T-Ball and Baseball divisions are co-ed. 

The divisions are:
Division 1: 5 year old T-Ball
Division 2: 6 and 7 year old coach pitch baseball. 
Division 3: 8 and 9 year old coach or machine pitch baseball.
Division 4: 10 through 12 year old coach or machine pitch baseball.

The HYR season fees include a shirt, baseball cap, a team picture and an award. 

Call Patrick Fitzgerald at 502.671.9701 with questions. 

Highlands Community Ministries

1228 East Breckinridge Street 
Louisville, Kentucky 40204
Phone : 502-671-9701
Email : [email protected]
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