Updated 12/26/2024
Thank you for visiting the HYR Volunteer Page
HYR has a part-time Director (Patrick Fitzgerald) and four part time league associates. The league can often use help getting everything together, especially early and late in a season. The weeks leading up to a season have a flurry of activity Including team building, assembling equipment bags, sorting team shirts, preparing for the coach and referee clinic, organizing the storage pod, etc. Late in a season, we can use help wrapping up league equipment.
Before the Winter Sports Season starts, we have 2 ways that you can get involved.
If you are availavble to help us wrangle equipment on the afternoon of January 4th or 5th, we have volunteer slots on our Signup Genius page linked below:
HYR Signup Genius PageIf you have some availablility to assist with administrative tasks at other random times, we may have things you can do remotely. Please list your availability on th form linked below:
HYR Volunteer Misc Form
Moving forward, we are looking for a few more people to be on the HYR Steering Committee or a special committee for our soccer relocation. There is a signup below form where you can express interest in either of those activities.HYR Committee InterestThank you so much for considering volunteering for HYR
Patrick Fitzgerald
HYR Director
HYR is a program of Highlands Community Ministries